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​AST/ASTN Series Wavelength Tunable Light Source systems



- Variable narrowband light output selection from UV (200nm) to Near IR (2.2µm)
- Computer-controlled via standard RS232 interface
- Scans in both directions and nanometers, Angstroms, microns, wavenumbers, or eV
- May be configured for optimal fiber optic illumination
- Modular design allows for reconfiguring
- Attenuation control
- Couples to Spectral Products equipment



Simple and Flexible

Spectral Products has a tunable light source to meet your needs. Each model is based on our popular CM110 dual grating, 1/8-meter monochromator, paired with one of Spectral Products' broadband light sources. When purchased together as a tunable light source, you get pre-adjusted coupling and the best-matched grating(s) preloaded. Depending on the requirements for better resolution/accuracy, other DK240 or DK480 monochromators can be coupled.



AST-XE series: ASB-XE-E180 [175W Xenon light source based model]

AST-W030/ASTN-W series: ASB-W030 [30W Tungsten-Halogen] or ASBN-W series [High Power Tungsten-Halogen] light source based model 

ASTN-D130: ASBN-D130 [30W single deuterium light source based model]

ASTN-D1-W series: ASBN-D1-W series [single or dual deuterium + High Power tungsten-halogen Hybrid light source based model]


To contact us for more information, please click the "Contact Us" button to go to the Contact Us page. To request a quote or more details about this item, please click the "Email Inquiry" button to open an email to us. 


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Features Description
Monochromator Model: CM110
f/#: 3.9
Grating: Up to 2 gratings can be installed
Interface: RS 232 standard
Light Source

AST-XE-E180EX: UV / NIR extended 175W Xe @ ~200 - 2200nm (dominant for 250 - 1100nm)
AST-XE-E180BFEX: NIR extended 175W Xe @ ~320 - 2200nm (dominant for 350 - 1100nm) Ozone free

AST-XE-E180BF: Visible 175W Xe @ ~400 - 700nm Ozone free


Order sorting filter holder:  included.

AST-W-030: 30W Tungsten-Halogen (TH) model
ASTN-W-XXX-L/H: "XXX" W Tungsten-Halogen (Low or High color temperature) model
Please refer to the  page for detailed information.


Order sorting filter holder: (sold separately)

ASTN-D130: single 30W deep UV Deuterium model @ ~180 - 600nm (dominant for 200 - 400nm)

Order sorting filter holder:  included.

ASTN-D1-Wyyy-L/H: 30W single D2 + "yyy" W tungsten-halogen (Low or High color temperature model)
Please refer to the ASBN-D1-W series for detailed information.


Order sorting filter holder:  included.

Accessories & Options Order sorting filter:  (sold separately)
Fiber coupling input: AFCM-L-XX, XX: SM-SMA, FC-FC, CS-Ferrule. Sold separately.

